LWCC Safety
Funding Program
LWCC seeks to foster a culture of wellbeing in Louisiana’s workforce, bettering Louisiana one business and one worker at a time. In addition to our robust safety offerings, delivered by our Safety Services Team, we provide policyholders the opportunity to enhance workplace safety with the assistance of LWCC’s Safety Funding Program.
Apply for LWCC Safety Funding
The Safety Funding Program provides one-time funding to policyholders to implement safety measures. This year, funding will be available in a tiered format, providing policyholders an opportunity to choose a funding amount that best fits their needs.
2023 funding options include:
Following the application period, a selection committee will review all applications and determine which applicants will receive funds based on their impact on workplace safety.
Before getting started, take time to review the application and information requested.
Click here to access a sample application.
Program Details:
Policyholders may submit one application requesting funding to be used for the start of a safety project or purchasing of specialized equipment.
The online application period will be open from June 29 through August 11, 2023.
Recipients will be notified no later than September 8, 2023.
Provided funding does not require a match.
The proposed project should increase workplace safety and decrease the risk of workplace accidents.
The project can include specialized PPE, but not general PPE. A list of equipment that is and is not included is listed below to help policyholders develop their application.
Policyholders must have an active policy with LWCC and not pending cancellation.
A member of LWCC’s Safety Services Team will visit the workplace of all recipients to help maximize the use of the purchased materials or make recommendations on the safety initiative.
Recipients may be featured in LWCC’s marketing and communications to highlight best practices in workplace safety. Recipients will be asked to share a company logo.