Metamor Institute
Metamor Institute was founded through a collaboration of several entities to address the obesity epidemic in Louisiana and its ramifications on the health and financial wellness of our state. Led by world-renowned obesity and metabolic disease expert Dr. Philip Schauer, the institute is the first in the nation to offer an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to caring for patients who suffer from this devastating disease in a single facility.
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Pioneering Partnerships
Initially founded as the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute in October 2019, Metamor is a public-private partnership of Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Pennington Biomedical Research Foundation, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, LSU Health New Orleans, Louisiana Economic Development, and the Office of the Governor of Louisiana. Together, these entities joined science, clinical research, and a variety of treatment modalities under a single roof to create a world-class metabolic disease institute right in the heart of Louisiana.

World-Renowned Leadership
Metamor Director Dr. Philip Schauer's storied career in treating obesity and metabolic disease has included more than 350 scientific papers, 60 textbook chapters, three full textbooks, and over 8,000 surgeries. Most recently, he served as Professor of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine and Director of the Cleveland Clinic Bariatric and Metabolic Institute (BMI). Even while working at one of the most prestigious medical centers in the world, Dr. Schauer could not deny the exceptional nature of what was being created in Louisiana, prompting him to relocate and take the lead of this one-of-a-kind institute.

All-Encompassing Obesity Care
The uniqueness of Metamor lies in numbers – the number of scientists and healthcare providers focused solely on obesity and metabolic diseases, as well as the number of treatment approaches being utilized. Whereas most facilities focus on a single aspect of weight loss, such as bariatric surgery, Metamor's treatment options include lifestyle interventions, drug and combination therapies, and surgical procedures, all within a single practice. As a result, it has not only become a life-altering treatment facility for citizens of Louisiana, but also a medical destination for others across the country and around the globe.

Life- and Cost-Saving
Metamor’s impact goes beyond saving lives, to having a substantial impact on Louisiana’s economy. Their work reduces the burden of long-term health costs, increases the productivity of individuals who undergo treatment, attracts patients from out-of-state, and provides a compelling research partner for economic development opportunities in pharmaceuticals and medical device manufacturing.