Second Injury Fund (SIF Questionnaire)
The Second Injury Fund (SIF) is a state-administered program that may reimburse part of a claim when an employee with a permanent pre-existing condition is subsequently injured on the job. The fund encourages employers to hire people with disabilities by reducing financial liability if these employees get hurt on the job, and SIF elements are met. Because the SIF reimburses part of your claims costs, it may help reduce your experience modifier (E-mod), leading to lower workers’ compensation premiums.
Since employer knowledge is a required element for SIF approval, the most important step as an employer is to have your employees complete the SIF questionnaire post-hire and at intervals during employment. This will document your knowledge of a pre-existing condition that may qualify as a permanent partial disability.
Employers should have the employees complete the questionnaire post-hire and retain it within the employee’s personnel file. In the event of a workplace injury, the claims representative will request a copy.
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